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Monday, March 20, 2023

The Science of Survival: How Biology, Psychology, and Technology Can Help You Survive

Digital Marketing Strategy: A Guide to Success in Digital Market

Book Synopsis 📖

   "The Science of Survival: How Biology, Psychology, and Technology Can Help You Survive" is a comprehensive guide to surviving life-threatening situations. The book explores the fundamental principles of human biology, psychology, and technology that can help us overcome challenges and survive in extreme environments.

     Overall,  "The Science of Survival: How Biology, Psychology, and Technology Can Help You Survive" is an essential read for anyone interested in learning how to survive in challenging situations. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the key biological, psychological, and technological factors that are critical to survival and offers practical advice on how to apply these principles in real-life scenarios.


Book Description 🔎

Book Title : The Science of Survival:  How Biology, Psychology, 

  and Technology Can Help You Survive

Publisher : ProfitProspects Group.

Author : Ezhar Van Beehag

Editor : Azhar. I

Published : 20 March 2023

Book Type : Electronic Book / E-Book

Page         : 111 page

Word         : 17.717


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