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Monday, April 3, 2023

Ten Days in a Mad-House

 Digital Marketing Strategy: A Guide to Success in Digital Market

Book Synopsis 📖

    Since my experiences in Blackwell's Island Insane Asylum were published in the World I have received hundreds of letters in regard to it. The edition containing my story long since ran out, and I have been prevailed upon to allow it to be published in book form, to satisfy the hundreds who are yet asking for copies.I am happy to be able to state as a result of my visit to the asylum and the exposures consequent thereon, that the City of New York has appropriated $1,000,000 more per annum than ever before for the care of the insane. So I have at least the satisfaction of knowing that the poor unfortunates will be the better cared for because of my work.

Book Description 🔎

Book Title : Ten Days in a Mad-House

Author :

Published : 1887

Language  : English

Book Type : Electronic Book / E-Book

Page         : 95 page


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